Our database is a free resource to help you stay infomred and in the know about offenders living in your area. Why is the government unwilling to make this information easily accessible, why is it down to the "people" to produce a database to keep our families safe...
Brian Cooper - Longhope - - PH Balance
David Beesley 28 - Middleton Cheney - -
Huw Meurig Jones - Old Colwyn - -
William Houlker 68 - Clitheroe - Pensioner - Stand Together For Kids
David Jervis 74 - Newtownabbey - School Caretaker -
Donald Styles - Exeter - -
Ryan Hancock - Manchester - - Predator Catchers UK
Stewart Wilkes/Stewart Ellis 56 - Llandudno - -
John Robinson 46 - Lancaster - -
Vincent Slater 57 - Swansea - -
Stephen Theyer 44 - Staverton - -
Stephen Wrack 63 - Kilwinning - -
Alexander Coates 20 - Bristol - -
Michael Holden 38 - Rugby - Hospital Porter -