Our database is a free resource to help you stay infomred and in the know about offenders living in your area. Why is the government unwilling to make this information easily accessible, why is it down to the "people" to produce a database to keep our families safe...
Scott Bamford 26 - Manchester - - Dark Light
Grahame Brennand 70 - Preston - Headteacher -
Scott Glover 43 - Camborne - -
Raymond Curtis 49 - Rugby - School Worker -
David Cashford 80 - Glasgow - -
Francis Simpson 71 - Wigan - Priest -
Timothy Evans 39 - Rowley Regis - -
Kasim Khuram 23 - Aston - -
Andrew Cunningham 35 - Blackburn - -
Stephen Theyer 44 - Staverton - -
Joseph Wilson - Bradford - -
Andrew Wild 69 - Pateley Bridge - Pensioner -
Alex Barnes 22 - Bridgend - School IT Support -
Jason Tarr 47 - Stratford - Warehouse Worker - Protecting Kids Online UK