Our database is a free resource to help you stay infomred and in the know about offenders living in your area. Why is the government unwilling to make this information easily accessible, why is it down to the "people" to produce a database to keep our families safe...
Reece Wood 20 - Leeds - -
Mark Hudson - Clevedon - - Guardians Of The North
Richard Mason 52 - Newton Poppleford - IT Worker -
Clive Thomas 69 - Gresford - Pensioner -
Luke Doyley 30 - Aylesbury - - Guardians of the North
Darren Edwards 20 - Dundee - -
Tony Apps 52 - Bradford - -
Paul Calvert - Rishton - - CCUK
Shaun Devlin - Durham - Social Worker -
Matthew Hopkins 31 - Ivybridge - Police Officer -
Matthew Claridge 49 - Cardiff - -
Nathan Salkeld 19 - Edinburgh - - Groom Resisters Scotland
Shaun Proctor/Catton 26 - Nottingham - -
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