Guardians of the North
We spend many hours of our personal time updating and improving this website to make it a valuable tool that will always be free and accessible to the public.
All we ask for in return is a small contribution, we will also send you some goodies in the mail as a thank you
PAUL OSBOURNE AGED 46 FROM SUNDERLAND – This male had been speaking with one of our 15 year male decoys asking for sexual activities, he arranged to meet in his local area of Hendon/Sunderland, when we arrived at the meeting point he was waiting on the street corner for the decoy to arrive, members of our team confronted the male and contacted the police who turned up shortly after and arrested the male.
He was up to court this morning where he received –
18 months imprisonment suspended for 2 year
sex offenders register for 10 year
sexual harm prevention oprder for 10 year