Jamie Luke Roberts, aged 26, of Creswell Road, Chesham, pleaded guilty to a number of offences at Aylesbury Crown Court on 10 December 2018.
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Following a Thames Valley Police investigation a man has been jailed for child sex offences in Buckinghamshire.
Jamie Luke Roberts, aged 26, of Creswell Road, Chesham, pleaded guilty to a number of offences at Aylesbury Crown Court on 10 December 2018.
He was convicted of two counts of rape of a child under the age of 13 and three counts of possession of indecent photographs of a child which covered category A, B and C.
A further one count of rape of a child under the age of 13, one count of causing a child to watch a sexual act, two counts of assault of a child under the age of 13 by penetration and one count of engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child will remain on file.
Roberts was sentenced at Aylesbury Crown Court today (7/3) to 18 years’ imprisonment.
The offences were against one victim in Buckinghamshire between 8 October 2017 and 15 July 2018.