Guardians of the North
We spend many hours of our personal time updating and improving this website to make it a valuable tool that will always be free and accessible to the public.
All we ask for in return is a small contribution, we will also send you some goodies in the mail as a thank you
DANIEL MARKS AGED 24 FROM YEOVIL – This male had been speaking to one of our 13 year old female decoys asking for sexual activities, he then went into great detail about what he would like to do with our decoy, we travelled to his home address where we brought it to the attention to his local police force, we waited outside of his property while the police went inside and arrested the male.During the conversations between him and our decoy he was working at a school up until his arrest in July 2017.
On the 22nd of march 2018 he sentenced to –
3 year community order
20 days rehabilitation
180 hours unpaid work
£400 court costs
10 years shpo
5 years sex offenders register