Guardians of the North
We spend many hours of our personal time updating and improving this website to make it a valuable tool that will always be free and accessible to the public.
All we ask for in return is a small contribution, we will also send you some goodies in the mail as a thank you
Back in September 2016 the team travelled to Derby/Heanor to confront a man named Carl Anthony in his early 60’s and was speaking to 3 of our female decoys aged between 13 and 15 asking for sex and sexual activities he also sent explicit pictures to the decoys. bearing in mind he was the neighbourhood watch leader!
Today he was in court and received:
3 year community order
Rehabilitation requirement
Sex offenders group program
5 year sexual harm prevention order
5 years sex offenders register
Subjected to the disclosure and baring list meaning he can not work with children or vulnerable people.