Guardians of the North
We spend many hours of our personal time updating and improving this website to make it a valuable tool that will always be free and accessible to the public.
All we ask for in return is a small contribution, we will also send you some goodies in the mail as a thank you
SIMON SMITH AGED 45 FROM SCOTLAND, was speaking to 2 of our female decoys aged 13 and 14 he travelled from Scotland to the metro centre to meet what he believed to be a 14 year old girl but when he arrived he met the guardians of the north, hes chats to both decoys consisted of sexual chat yet.
he was up at Newcastle crown court today and recieved:
a 3 year community order
7 year sexual harm prevention order
7 year on the sex register
100 days work program
to have all devices removed with internet and to have no communication with any child under the age of 16!!