Guardians of the North
We spend many hours of our personal time updating and improving this website to make it a valuable tool that will always be free and accessible to the public.
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KEVIN BINGHAM AGED 52 FROM NOTTINGHAMSHIRE – This male travelled 150 miles after speaking with one of our 14 year old male decoys, he had asked for sex and sexual activities before he booked a hotel for himself and the “child”, within hours he he started to send videos and pictures of himself performing sexual acts upon himself, we contacted police who turned up shortly after and arrested the male!!
he was in court this morning where it was heard that he had been found with 199 indecent images and videos of children from category a to c, he pleaded guilty to making indecent images of children, along with our charge he was sentenced to –
16 months custodial sentence
life on the sex offenders register
life long sexual harm prevention order